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} else if (windowName == 'CopySelect') { popup_width = 450; popup_height = 380; } else if (windowName == 'Autogenerate') { popup_width = 450; popup_height = 380; } else if (windowName == 'EmployeeOptions') { popup_width = 840; popup_height = 480; } ShowDialog(url, popupDivContainer, popup_height, popup_width); return true; } function ShowDialog(page, popupDivContainer, h, w) { var $dialog = window.parent.$('#' + popupDivContainer) .html('') .dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, height: h, width: w //, //buttons: [{ //text: "Close", //click: function() { // $(this).dialog("close"); // } //}] }); $dialog.dialog('open'); } function OpenGenerateTimesheets(popupDivContainer) { var popup_width = 450; var popup_height = 380; ShowDialog('AutogenerateTimesheets.aspx', popupDivContainer, popup_height, popup_width); // var childWindow = null; // showLoadMessage(); // doHourglass(); // var show_str = 'center:yes;'+ GetPopupSizeString('Autogenerate') + ';resizable:yes; scroll:yes; status:yes;'; // childWindow = window.showModalDialog('AutogenerateTimesheets.aspx', 'MyWindow', show_str); // hideLoadMessage(); // doDefaultCursor(); // if (childWindow == expired && document.all['sidebarcell'] != null) // { // document.all['ChildWindowExpired'].value = 'true'; // window.location = 'Logout.aspx'; // } // else if (childWindow == expired) // CloseMe(); // document.WorkForm.submit(); } function CloseMe() { window.returnValue = expired; window.close(); } // closes window without setting the expiry flag function CloseCopySelectWin(callie) { //window.close(); window.parent.$('#PopupParentContainer').dialog('close'); window.parent.__doPostBack(callie,''); } function CloseEnterTime() { window.parent.$('#PopupParentContainer').dialog('close'); window.parent.__doPostBack('',''); } function CloseWinSelectReport() { window.parent.$('#PopupParentContainer').dialog('close'); } function VerifyChanged(ctrl) { // If we need to, ignore the control only if conditions below are satisfied if (!( // if control is marked as no check (ctrl.getAttribute("ets-IgnoreDirty") != null) || // or it's a checkbox with parent marked as no check ( (ctrl.type == 'radio' || ctrl.type == 'checkbox') && (ctrl.parentNode.getAttribute("ets-IgnoreDirty") != null) ) )) { if (ctrl.type == 'radio' || ctrl.type == 'checkbox') { if (ctrl.checked != ctrl.defaultChecked) { DirtyCount ++; 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if ( !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && ( i == 32 // space || (i >= 48 && i <= 57 && event.shiftKey) // 0 ~ 9 || (i >= 65 && i <= 90) //a ~ z || i == 106 || i == 107 || i == 111 || i == 186 || i == 187 || (i >= 188 && i <= 190 && event.shiftKey) // . , - || ( ( (i == 188 || i == 190) && !event.shiftKey || i == 110) && (ctrl.value.indexOf('.') > -1 ||ctrl.value.indexOf(',') > -1 )) || ((i == 189 && !event.shiftKey || i == 109) && ctrl.value != '') || i == 191 || i == 192 || (i >= 219 && i <= 222) ) ) { if ((i == 189 && !event.shiftKey || i == 109) && ctrl.value.indexOf('-') == -1) ctrl.value = '-' + ctrl.value; event.returnValue=false; event.cancel = true; return; } } function ScrollToElement(theElement){ var selectedPosX = 0; var selectedPosY = 0; while(theElement != null){ selectedPosX += theElement.offsetLeft; selectedPosY += theElement.offsetTop; theElement = theElement.offsetParent; } window.scrollTo(selectedPosX,selectedPosY); } function GetResString(code) { if (code.toLowerCase() == "password:") {return "Password:";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "userpasswordresetneeded") {return "The user's password must be reset.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttsearchnominations") {return "Search for nominations according your selected search criteria";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "summary:") {return "Summary:";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttpostulate") {return "Apply to this position";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "errorstacktrace") {return "Stack Trace: {0}";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttfuturaddress") {return "Review your submitted Future address";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "emailrequiredforpasswordreset") {return "An email address must be supplied for each employee having his or her password reset.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttcurrentaddress") {return "Review your current address";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "labelcontinue") {return "Please click the Back button and try again, or select a menu item from the side bar.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "deleteprompt") {return "Are you sure you want to delete the {0}?";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "employeeno") {return "Employee Number";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "application") {return "Application";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "import") {return "Import";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "employeeexists") {return "Employee already exists.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "importsuccess") {return "Import Successful.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "uploadsuccess") {return "Upload successful!";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "firsttimelogin") {return "Please enter your Network Login and Password to login the first time.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "upload") {return "Upload";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "confirmpostulate") {return "Are you sure you want to apply to this job offer?";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "nopaychequefound") {return "There is no pay statement available for the selected date.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "nofileuploaded") {return "There isn’t currently any file uploaded. Please select a file to upload.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "sametimeactionmessage") {return "Another reviewer is currently generating or approving timesheets for employees in your list. Please try again later.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "yearendformapprovalmessage") {return "The '{0}' form for employee number '{1}' is approved.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "autogeneratedeleteprompt") {return "Generating the timesheet from the schedule will delete any existing timesheet data for {0} for the selected date range, are you sure?";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "passwordquestionchangefailed") {return "Your security question was not changed. Please re-enter your password and try again.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "addressrejectionmessagenowebsite") {return "Your address change request has been rejected by the reviewer ({0}, {1}).";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "web self service") {return "Web Self Service";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "sendemailsuccess") {return "The email was successfully sent.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "facilityrequired") {return "Please specify the facility";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "incorrectsin") {return "The SIN entered does not match the one on record.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "import year end adjustment data") {return "Import Year End Adjustment Data";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "businessno") {return "Business Number";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "telvalidator") {return "must be in form: (XXX) XXX-XXXX";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "incorrectlogin") {return "The Employee Number and Password do not match. Please try again.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "facilitynotfound") {return "Unable to find the facility";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "addressrejectionmessage") {return "Your address change request has been rejected by the reviewer ({0}, {1}).&#0D;&#0A;&#0D;&#0A;Please visit {2} to correct and resubmit the address.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "emailformatinvalid") {return "The email address format is not valid.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "importfailure") {return "Import failed";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "passwordsecurityanswermismatch") {return "The value for Security Answer must match the value for Confirm Security Answer.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "mandatoryfieldsmissing") {return "Please complete all mandatory fields.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "connect") {return "Connection";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "loading...") {return "Loading...";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "special pay") {return "Special";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "overlapmessage") {return "The selected time overlaps with an existing entry({0}-{1}).";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "pending") {return "In process";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "incorrectfirstlogin") {return "The Network Login and Password do not match. Please try again.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "invalidemployeenumberentered") {return "The employee number entered could not be found.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "yearendemptyforms") {return "There are empty forms. Please add amounts or delete.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "telvalidatormsgovern") {return "must be in form: XXX-XXX-XXXX or a maximum of 12 characters.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "sendemailfailure") {return "Failed to send the email.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "loginprompt") {return "Please enter an Employee Number and Password.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "approveformprompt") {return "Warning: Once the form is approved, you will be totally unable to modify it… &#0D;&#0A; Regardless of this warning, do you want to continue?";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "confirmcancelsubmission") {return "Do you really want to cancel your address change?";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "rejectionmessage") {return "This message has been automatically sent to you by the Employee Self-Service server because your timesheet from {0} to {1} has been rejected by the reviewer {2}.&#0D;&#0A;&#0D;&#0A;Please visit {3} to make corrections.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "uploaderror") {return "File could not be uploaded.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "buttonamend") {return "Amend";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "processing") {return "Processing...";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "recipientbnformat") {return "Recipient Business Number format: 123456789AB1234";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "login") {return "Login";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "unapprovedforms") {return "There are pending unapproved forms.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "subjectandmessagerequired") {return "The Subject and Message fields cannot be empty.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "electronicoptinmessage") {return "Would you like to Opt-in for Electronic Tax Slip? Click Yes if you accept or No to ignore.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "enddatelessthanstartdate") {return "The end date must be greater or equal than the start date.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "nosecurityquestioncontactadmin") {return "You do not have a Security Question set. Please contact your system administrator.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "incorrectloginwithfacility") {return "The Employee Facility, Number and Password do not match. Please try again.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttcancelsubmission") {return "Cancel your address change request";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "errorsource") {return "Source: {0}";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "regular pay") {return "Regular";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "invalidrecipientbusinessnumber") {return "The recipient Business Number is invalid . Correct format is {0}.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "noyearendformfound") {return "There is no year-end form available for the selected date.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "errormessage") {return "Message: {0}";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "yearendformapprovalsubject") {return "Year end form approval notification from client {0}.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "choosefile") {return "Choose the year end adjustment file to import: ";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "errortype") {return "Type: {0}";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "yearlessthanstartyear") {return "The selected year must be greater than '{0}'.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "rejected") {return "Rejected";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "invalidsin") {return "This is not a valid Social Insurance Number.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "employeenumber:") {return "Employee Number:";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "employeeidformat") {return "{0} [{1}]";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "default.defaultpageheader") {return "Electronic Time Sheet";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "approved") {return "Approved";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttresetall") {return "Reset all form fields";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "yearendformstartyear") {return "Year-end forms before the {0} tax year are not available to be viewed online.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttwithdraw") {return "Cancel your application to this position";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "senderemailformatinvalid") {return "The Return Email Address is not in a valid format.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttsubmit") {return "Submit your request";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "do you wish to proceed?") {return "Do you wish to proceed?";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "paystubreadymessage") {return "Your pay statement ({0}, {1}) is ready to be viewed online.&#0D;&#0A;&#0D;&#0A;Please visit {2}";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "passwordmessage") {return "Facility: {0}&#0D;&#0A; Client: {1}&#0D;&#0A; &#0D;&#0A;Your temporary password is:&#0D;&#0A;&#0D;&#0A; {2}&#0D;&#0A;&#0D;&#0A;Please visit {3} to change your password.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "application error") {return "Application Error";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "formtypemandatory") {return "The form type is missing.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "confirmdelete") {return "Are you sure you want to delete this item? ";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "labelsorry") {return "An unexpected error occurred.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "confirmwithdraw") {return "Are you sure you want to withdraw your candidature? ";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "passwordresetmessage") {return "Your password has been reset. Please create a new password to continue.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "submitprompt") {return "Are you sure that you have completed and reviewed your timesheet and are ready to submit it for approval?";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "withdrawapplication") {return "Withdrawal";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "resubmittedmessage") {return "This message has been automatically sent to you by the Employee Self-Service server because the timesheet from {0} to {1} of your employee {2}, has been corrected and resubmitted.&#0D;&#0A;&#0D;&#0A;Please visit {3} to review this timesheet.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "ttsearchjoboffers") {return "Search for job offers according your selected search criteria";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "emailvalidator") {return "Must be in form: xxx@xxxxx.xxx";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "paystubreadymessagenowebsite") {return "Your pay statement ({0}, {1}) is ready to be viewed online.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "selectexcelfilesonly") {return "Please select Excel type files only";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "fromsur") {return "of";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "approveformnochange") {return "This form cannot be approved because it is identical to the original or has no saved changes. Please make the required changes and then press the Save button at the top of the form.";} if (code.toLowerCase() == "passwordquestionchangedbutanswernot") {return "You must enter a new Security Answer when you change your Security Question.";} }